Social Media for BIDLS-Funded Agencies: Toolkit, Tips, and Tricks
This webinar, designed specifically for MDPH BIDLS-funded provider agencies, is intended to showcase IDTA@JSI’s Social Media Toolkit for BIDLS-Funded Agencies and show agencies how to amp up their organization’s social media efforts. The toolkit includes key components needed to develop, implement, and evaluate your organization’s social media strategy, as well as sample messaging focused on HIV, STI, viral hepatitis, and latent TB service integration. Guest presenters from the Family Health Center of Worcester also share their experiences and lessons learned while utilizing the toolkit, including how to balance organizational priorities and direct service work while establishing a social media presence. Whether you are a social media novice or a seasoned expert, this webinar is broadly applicable to all BIDLS-funded agency staff.
After watching this webinar recording, participants will be able to:
- Understand the utility of the Social Media Toolkit for BIDLS-Funded Agencies.
- Identify common organizational challenges and opportunities related to developing, implementing, and evaluating a social media strategy.
- Consider how to apply the toolkit to their own organization’s social media efforts.
This webinar was conducted by IDTA@JSI on October 23, 2023.
Download the slides: Social Media Toolkit Webinar – 10.23.23 (Slide Deck).
Download the webinar recording transcript: Social Media Toolkit Webinar (Transcript) .