Connecting Care Podcast Episode 4: Meeting clients where they are: PrEP on the frontlines

A podcast episode developed by Strengthening Systems of Care for People with HIV and Opioid Use Disorder (SSC) which is the third of a three-part series about HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among people who inject drugs. Drs. Alex Walley, Jessica Taylor, and Sim Kimmel, HIV primary care doctor and addiction specialists, sit down with two clinicians from Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, who share their experiences on the front lines, delivering innovative substance use treatment, HIV prevention, and HIV treatment where patients are. Listen to the first episode and second episode in the series.




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PrEP Referral Partnerships, Access to PrEP, and Linkage to PrEP services

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  • Navigation Staff
  • People Who Inject Drugs
  • Program Administrators
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